The Best Computer Mouse to Prevent Hand and Wrist Fatigue

The Best Computer Mouse to Prevent Hand and Wrist Fatigue

Nearly 80% of all American workers sit at a desk and I am willing to bet you're one of them, just like me. Our productive lives are based around holding a computer mouse for over 6 hours a day, with the occasional slouch and walk to the kitchen for a change of scenery. Years ago, I upgrade my computer mouse game and I can't imagine life any other way. If you're looking for a new computer mouse that prevents hand and wrist fatigue, even carpal tunnel syndrome, this review is for you.

Maximizing Our Most Valuable Asset - Time

Maximizing Our Most Valuable Asset – Time

Try all we want, no one has cracked the code of getting more time on this side of heaven. Even with trendy crops of futurists throwing money to the wind, the average life span is roughly 78 years. While much improved from 35 years in the 1700's, it's still a far cry from the biblical Methuselah who had 969 years to leave a lasting legacy. Birth has even been compared to the beginning of death. A bit morbid, but true. With such a short supply of time for all of us, it's more important than ever we make our time count. Here are some big ideas to help each of us treat time like the valuable asset it is.

Leaving a Legacy We Are Proud Of

Leaving a Legacy We Are Proud Of

It's been said there are two certain things in this world: death and taxes. A bit cynical but it's mostly true. Especially the death part. When we pass from this life to the next, all that remains is the legacy we leave behind with other people. But leaving a legacy happens while we're alive too! If you've been wondering what kind of legacy you're leaving in the hearts, minds, and souls of other people, these big ideas are for you.

Health Benefits of Waking Up Early

Health Benefits of Waking Up Early

Whether you wake up with an alarm clock blaring in your ear, sunlight beaming your eyes, or some uncanny form of vampirism, waking up means different things to different people. And yet, while the vast majority of people crave more sleep and peaceful rising, there is also a hunger within us to wake up earlier. That desire puts us in two primary camps: those who are willing, and those who aren't. If you're the former and desire to wake up earlier but wonder about the health benefits of waking up early, this post is for you.

The Power of Asking for What We Want

The Power of Asking for What We Want

Asking for what we want. It's such a simple concept, yet so often we are paralyzed by the fear of reactions. We wonder what "they" might say. We wonder if the worst-case scenario will come to pass. And too often we settle for something less than the best because we don't ask for what we want. But we don't need to be afraid and a little bit of courage may just get you the rooftop experience it got me.

3 Mind Games for Success

3 Mind Games for Success

Did you know there are mind games to play on yourself that will trick you into achieving a greater level of success? These 3 tips are real, value-driven techniques that I and many other successful people frequently use. You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain by upping your mental intentionality when it comes to achieving goals.

Honest Reviews Solitaire org

Honest Reviews:

It's not every day you come across a website that is entirely stripped down of bells and whistles or advertisements and clickbait. It's even stranger seeing an online gaming website with literally NOTHING but free and fun games in a format so simple you keep wondering when you'll be bombarded with spam. But no spam comes. Instead, brings a stunningly simple and clean portal to the classic games you've grown up with.

Overcome Creative Blocks by Walking

Overcome Creative Blocks by Walking from Lisa Wee

Creative blocks can be devastating if our livelihood relies on creative construction to make a living. The increased doubt that comes from our lack of ability to create and sustain a future spirals us downward. Creative blocks can even create a distorted sense of identity and self worth. While debilitating, creative blocks are very common and thankfully there is an easy way to break through.

Culinary Schools Resources and Kids Games

Culinary Schools Resources and Kids Games

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted countless industries. We might even say it's disrupted ALL of them! Some industries, like hospitality, have felt the full burden of labor shortages, regulatory impacts, and customer reduction. Others, like remote learning and conferencing, have boomed with new and eager eyeballs looking for career transitions or escapes from less than ideal realities. Kids, regrettably, have been stuck in the middle of it all while learning expectations continue to be demanding and parents are pushed and pulled more than ever before. In the midst of the chaos, I'd like to share a little gem with you that might just kill a few birds with one stone - the resource - a digital platform for a plethora of culinary things like kids games, cooking tools, and a robust culinary-focused database for anyone looking to pursue their gastronomic passion.

Manly Gift Bouquets for Meat Lovers

Manly Gift Bouquets for Meat Lovers

Guys can be hard to shop for and if they're also a dad...good luck! Men traditionally fit within a few major categories. There's the gadget dude who loves all the latest tech wizardry (what's a Raspberry Pi again?). The audiophile, with his headphones and earbuds, is always on the prowl for new music, podcasts, and audiobook platforms. There's the golf guy in need of golf balls (still can't escape the sand trap), tees, and club gear. There's the modern man searching for new shades (that means glasses for you "unwoke" folk), watches, and skinny jeans. And the hunter, who's currently lost at a Bass Pro Shop near you checking out arrow tips and fishing rods. While all these men have different interests, one thing unites many of them. They're mostly meat lovers. Based on current surveys, 96% of men welcome meat on their plate. And that makes beef jerky bouquets from Manly Man Co. an excellent gift idea for the special dad, husband, fiancé, boyfriend, "just a friend", or son in your life. Also, they let me in on a little pre-Black Friday and Black Friday coupon code, so read through to save yourself some piggy bank bacon.