

Being an Author - Talented Writers Spill the Beans

Being an Author – Talented Writers Spill the Beans

Curious what life is like being an author? Wondering how experienced writers feel about their craft behind the scenes? In this interview roundup, six talented writers spill the beans on their love-hate relationship with writing, how they stay focused on writing when the muse doesn't speak, who they find encouraging in the often solo-endeavor of writing, and what they're most proud of in their literary journey. The answers will surprise you, guide you, and help you as the illustrious vale is pulled back.

Book Making Magic Adria Goetz

Book Making Magic with Literary Agent Adria Goetz

Adria Goetz is no stranger to making magic in the publishing industry. Her many years of successful experience, insight, and talented cliental are well known. Book making magic is the essence in identifying great ideas, championing those ideas through the book making process, and delivering valuable stories to kids, families, and communities around the world. Literary Agent Adria Goetz shares perspectives and bares her soul in this eye-opening dive into her life as a book lover.

Uncomfortable Grace with Grief Counselor and Podcast Show Host Mandy Capehart

Uncomfortable Grace with Grief Counselor and Podcast Show Host Mandy Capehart

Have you ever struggled finding the right words to say to someone in a moment of grief? Would you like to learn new ways of dealing with difficult situations in your own life? Join me and professional grief counselor and podcast show host Mandy Capehart for a deep dive into grief, growth, and how to cultivate a healthy mindset. Chock full of actionable tips and communication strategies, this interview will leave you feeling more equipped and capable of handling life's surprises.

Writing that Sells: Lessons Learned from Award-Winning Author, Poet, and Speaker Brian P. Cleary

Writing that Sells: Lessons Learned from Award-Winning Author, Poet, and Speaker Brian P. Cleary

The average traditionally published author sells 3,000 books, with only a fraction of that sold within the first year. Would it be prudent then, to probe the mind of an author who has sold more than 3 million books? Would the experiences and lessons learned of a writer who spent more than 40 years honing his craft be valuable? Would the perspective of a poet who has visited more than 500 schools, engaged with over 95,000 students, spoken in 42 states and Europe, published over 50 titles, and is Senior Editor at American Greetings be helpful? The correct answer is obviously YES! Now, read on.

Writing Children's Books as a Lifestyle with Tara Lazar

Writing Children’s Books as a Lifestyle with Tara Lazar

Becoming a published author is a common dream. Writing children's books, a common passion. But for the few who have captured writing children's books as a lifestyle and made kidlit a primary focus in their life, day after day, there is much to be gleamed. Sharing experiences, lessons learned, and a traditionally published author journey with us today is prolific kidlit author and Storystorm challenge creator, Tara Lazar. If I could sum up this interview in one word, it would be raw. The next 2,000+ words you'll embrace will peel back not only the publishing curtain but also the curtain of life. And perhaps by the end, you'll embrace writing as a part of your life, not just something you do when there's time.

Crafting Messages with Author Illustrator Shay Fan

Crafting Messages with Author and Illustrator Shay Fan

Crafting the perfect message is much more than throwing words at the wall and hoping one of them sticks. Tailoring messages to a target audience is a surefire way to see better results not just in the corporate world, but at home, on blogs, and especially on book store shelves. Helping us see the importance of carefully selecting our words is author and illustrator Shay Fan, who has worked in marketing and Public Relations for companies like Skype and YouTube. She is also represented by Andrea Walker of Azantian Literary Agency. If you care about building your personal brand and communicating effectively, this is one interview you can't afford to miss.

Writing the Book You Wish was Written with Author Megan Lacera

Writing the Book You Wish was Written with Megan Lacera – Author of Zombies Don’t Eat Veggies!

There will always be room for great books. Even today, after 6,000 years of recorded history, fresh and unique ideas still exist and are brought into existence. They exist in the heart and soul of a writer. In the ink of an author. In the expression of an illustrator. There are books children need that haven't been published...yet. There are concepts families yearn to have to process their personal experiences. To help us see this first hand is author and long-time kids product creator, Megan Lacera. Megan shares how her family worked together to create Zombies Don't Eat Veggies!, how other authors can do the same, and what her journey has been like. You'll want to carve out some time for this one because we got all the details. After reading this interview, you will feel empowered, motivated, and challenged to take a step towards writing the book you wish was written.

Writing Books During a Pandemic with Author Heather Macht

Writing Books During a Pandemic – Interview with Author Heather Macht – Win a Giveaway!

Just because the world falls into a pandemic doesn't mean books stop being published. Authors still dream, publishing still acquire, and curious minds still want to know. Writing books during a pandemic is a different ballgame all together. Book launches, library and school visits, and building relationships face-to-face are all different. One thing remains the same: the essence of a successful author as so clearly manifested by creativity, hard work, and determination. Experienced children's book author Heather Macht takes us along for the socially distant ride of publishing books during a pandemic. Learn what's changed, what's remained the same, and enter into a drawing to win a very special giveaway- one of Heather's picture books OR a picture book manuscript critique. Read more to find out how to win!

Interview with Illustrator June Steube

Interview with Illustrator June Steube

Do you love nature? Animals? How about art? Do you wonder what it's like to embrace all three for a career in illustration and publishing? Nature artist June Steube shares her experiences in this incredible, in-depth interview. Learn about her journey, gain valuable insight into book publishing from an illustrator's perspective, see how she overcomes tough projects, and consider the tools she uses for success. Also, get a sneak peak into her upcoming children's book project about birds with OwlKids Press! This is one interview you do NOT want to miss.

Leaving Career Love Reading Writing Kaitlin Scirri

Leaving a Career for a Love of Reading and Writing with Kaitlin Scirri

Have you ever considered leaving your day job for a life of reading and writing professionally? No doubt you have a passion for publishing, but what courageous steps have you taken to elevate it's priority in your life? How much time are you carving out to reach you goals? In this interview with traditionally published author, Kaitlin Scirri, see what barriers she chose to overcome and what life is like on the other side of the publishing curtain.