

Willpower: Your Most Important Mental Resource

Willpower Your Most Important Mental Resource

Can we increase our willpower? Yes! Willpower and it's close friends; discipline and self-control, are like any muscle in the body. The more intentional focus on growth you provide it, the stronger they become. With willpower, we can move mountains. Namely, the mountains of our stubborn mind and body. We can will ourselves to act, to do things and go places we previously believed to be impossible.

The Secret Power of To-Do Lists

The Secret Power of To-Do Lists

Odds are you have a daily to-do list. Nearly everyone on the planet does. How are you at accomplishing your to-do tasks? Do you get most or all of them done? What about the higher priority items? Do you know which to-do items are most important for your day, week, or month to be a success? While we all want to be more successful, and often try to be more successful, sometimes we hold ourselves back in our commitment. And this commitment is what separates people into two camps: those who write their to-do lists down, and those who don't. You will be more successful, productive, and satisfied in life when you unlock the secret power of to-do lists. It's so easy anyone can do it!

The Best Way to Ask for a Raise

The Best Way to Ask for a Raise

It's common for hard workers to request raises. Raises are an expected, recurring activity among US employees and employers. With rising costs of living, increased demand for good workers, and the inherent desire to be compensated appropriately for one's growing expertise, asking for a raise (and expecting one) is a shared experience of all employees across all job sectors. But how do you initiate a raise conversation and is there really a 'best way' to ask for a raise?

What Many People Misunderstand About Passive Income

What Many People Misunderstand About Passive Income

Earning money while we sleep sounds like a pretty sweet deal. But why then isn't everyone already doing enjoying the fruits of passive labor? Many people misunderstand that while passive income is very real, the hard work required for it to show up in their lives is also real. Passive income is a bountiful harvest from the planning, toil, and patience of focused effort typically over a long period of time. I'll show you how passive income works for me and the very active steps I took so you can begin seeing passive income in your life too.

In Search of Solitude: The Importance of Spending Time Alone

In Search of Solitude The Importance of Spending Time Alone

It's been said that all man's miseries originate from being unable to sit alone. As children, we are punished with time outs alone. Parents often like want teenagers staying home alone. Prisoners who don't follow the rules are sent to solitary confinement, a consequence known to break even the most hardened minds among us. We believe solitude is an enemy and being alone is a sign of failure. Failure in life, failure in relationships, and even failure in performance. In many ways, we confuse aloneness with loneliness. But this isn't true. Spending time alone through intentional solitude can be a game changer in helping us push through life's roadblocks.

What is Holding You Back from Achieving Your Goals

What is Holding You Back from Achieving Your Goals

Everyone has goals. Some are written down. Some are pie in the sky abstract dreams. While having a clear goal is certainly the first big step in the journey of achieving goals, there are many things we do intentionally and unintentionally that make goal achievement near impossible. Let's see if any of these 5 things are holding you back from achieving your goals.

How to Be More Productive in Life

How to Be More Productive in Life

Ah, productivity. The sweet smell of victory over mundane tasks, goals, and roadblocks. If you ask anyone if they would like to be more productive in life, the answer is almost assuredly a "Yes!" But then why aren't they? Why aren't we? The answer is strikingly simple yet absurdly easy to fix.

Give Yourself Permission to Succeed

Give Yourself Permission to Succeed

Self-doubt and negative thinking is pervasive in today's connected society. While we shower others with encouragement and support, we often secretly hold ourselves back. Success and reaching for the stars is wonderful for other people, we think. Other people can be hero's and heroins of any story they choose, but not us. Certainly not us. We are just the junior employee. The starving artist. The mentally underdeveloped. We were not created for anything great. At least, that's what we tell ourselves. We can be our biggest roadblock to success or our greatest champion if we give ourselves permission to succeed.

Overcoming Life’s Roadblocks and Setbacks

Overcoming Life's Roadblocks and Setbacks

Let's be real and raw. Life can be really hard. It can feel complicated. Things that happen within and around us can affect our mood, our sense of fulfillment, and even our ability to survive. We know instinctively and from quickly glancing around that EVERYONE deals with roadblocks and setbacks. People all over the world feel STUCK and often like they're going BACKWARDS. It's normal. It's common. It's life. But there is a better way to live than just being tossed around back and forth.

The Power of Asking for What We Want

The Power of Asking for What We Want

Asking for what we want. It's such a simple concept, yet so often we are paralyzed by the fear of reactions. We wonder what "they" might say. We wonder if the worst-case scenario will come to pass. And too often we settle for something less than the best because we don't ask for what we want. But we don't need to be afraid and a little bit of courage may just get you the rooftop experience it got me.