

Willpower: Your Most Important Mental Resource

Willpower Your Most Important Mental Resource

Can we increase our willpower? Yes! Willpower and it's close friends; discipline and self-control, are like any muscle in the body. The more intentional focus on growth you provide it, the stronger they become. With willpower, we can move mountains. Namely, the mountains of our stubborn mind and body. We can will ourselves to act, to do things and go places we previously believed to be impossible.

The Secret Power of To-Do Lists

The Secret Power of To-Do Lists

Odds are you have a daily to-do list. Nearly everyone on the planet does. How are you at accomplishing your to-do tasks? Do you get most or all of them done? What about the higher priority items? Do you know which to-do items are most important for your day, week, or month to be a success? While we all want to be more successful, and often try to be more successful, sometimes we hold ourselves back in our commitment. And this commitment is what separates people into two camps: those who write their to-do lists down, and those who don't. You will be more successful, productive, and satisfied in life when you unlock the secret power of to-do lists. It's so easy anyone can do it!

How to Be More Productive in Life

How to Be More Productive in Life

Ah, productivity. The sweet smell of victory over mundane tasks, goals, and roadblocks. If you ask anyone if they would like to be more productive in life, the answer is almost assuredly a "Yes!" But then why aren't they? Why aren't we? The answer is strikingly simple yet absurdly easy to fix.