

The Secret Power of To-Do Lists

The Secret Power of To-Do Lists

Odds are you have a daily to-do list. Nearly everyone on the planet does. How are you at accomplishing your to-do tasks? Do you get most or all of them done? What about the higher priority items? Do you know which to-do items are most important for your day, week, or month to be a success? While we all want to be more successful, and often try to be more successful, sometimes we hold ourselves back in our commitment. And this commitment is what separates people into two camps: those who write their to-do lists down, and those who don't. You will be more successful, productive, and satisfied in life when you unlock the secret power of to-do lists. It's so easy anyone can do it!

Being an Author – Talented Writers Spill the Beans

Being an Author - Talented Writers Spill the Beans

Curious what life is like being an author? Wondering how experienced writers feel about their craft behind the scenes? In this interview roundup, six talented writers spill the beans on their love-hate relationship with writing, how they stay focused on writing when the muse doesn't speak, who they find encouraging in the often solo-endeavor of writing, and what they're most proud of in their literary journey. The answers will surprise you, guide you, and help you as the illustrious vale is pulled back.

Writing When You Think Everything You Write Sucks

Writing When - You Think Everything You Write Sucks

You've been there. Maybe you're there now. Everything you write is horrible. Terrible. It's the horrible, terrible, no good, very bad writing (day). Welcome to the club. Stay awhile. While you're here, you should know something. Everything you write probably doesn't suck. And even if it does sort of suck, that's good because...

Writing When You Don’t Know What to Write

Writing When You Don't Know What to Write

Ever had "writers block"? Of course you have. You may just know it by a different name. A name like, "I don't know what to write," or "I'm not sure what to say," or "I'm just not feeling up to write right now." Low levels or complete lack of writing inspiration happen to all of us. There is a way out of the funk though. There is a way to write your best content even when you don't know what to write. Or would you rather sit there and mope?

Rise of the Personal Brand – What Does Yours Say About You?

Rise of the Personal Brand - What Does Yours Say About You

Branding is a big deal. Companies pay tens of thousands to millions of dollars on improving their brand, communicating their brand, and developing their brand. But most people don't fully understand what all the fuss is about. Some people think a brand is a logo or style. Others say it's a vibe. But a brand is so much more than both of those things and if you haven't faced your personal brand face-to-face, you're in for a rude awakening. Take your career, business, and life to the next level by examining your personal brand.

Focus on One Thing for Success

Focus One Thing Success

Do you start something new just as you get tracking on something old? You're not alone. Often referred to as having an idea fairy on your shoulder, it's normal and natural to find a greater sense of joy chasing new ideas with new potential rather than old ideas that have reality attached. But you don't need to be someone who can't focus on just one thing. You can learn the skill of singular focus to achieve a greater level of success in all areas of life.

3 Steps to Build Confidence for Public Speaking

3 Steps Build Confidence Public Speaking

Have butterflies visited you an hour before you were supposed to speak publicly? Ever felt nauseous thinking about a speaking engagement? Wonder how so many public speakers and presenters seem flawless on stage and in front of groups small and large? You don't need to wonder. In fact, you can become a confident public speaker. You can present clear, concise, captivating information to any audience with these 3 steps. No gimmicks. Just timeless, effective tools. These 3 strategies are all you need to become a public speaking role model for others.

Performance Evaluation Time

Performance Evaluation Time

It's performance evaluation time. I don't know about you, but this time of the year always makes me wonder what I'm going to say about myself. People typically fall on one side or the other. They are their worst critic or they are God's gift to humanity.

Leave House and Wealth

Leave House Wealth

I often wonder what my responsibilities are in the eyes of God in the many roles and spheres of influence I'm placed in. Thankfully, the Holy Scriptures are chalk full of practical examples for guidance in many, if not all, of these circumstances. Proverbs 19:14 says, "House and wealth are inherited from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the Lord." While considering this, a few thoughts come to mind that I you'll find rewarding to consider also.